How To
How to get the most out of AmALfi
Affiliate Links in Three Steps
Three quick & easy steps to create an Amazon™ affiliate link with AmALfi.
Find Your Associate Tracking ID
It is vitally important that you configure AmALfi with your correct Amazon™ Associate Tracking ID.
Your traking ID is what Amazon™ use to identify any purchases made from links you created, so without the correct ID Amazon™ will be unable to attribute purchases to you and you will not receive your commission.
You can find your Associate Tracking ID in Associates Central on the Amazon™ website. It will be a sequence of characters - usually associated with your website or blog name - followed by a hyphen and two digits. Something like amalfiapp-21
If you are unsure of your Associate Tracking ID, or do not know how to find it on Associates Central, we have built a little tool below that will help you find your ID from one of your existing Amazon™ affiliate links.
Find your Amazon™ Associate Tracking i.d.
Please paste one of your known-working Amazon™ affiliate links into the box below:
Use your own Bitly account
AmALfi Pro users are able to use their own Bitly account to allow them to manage their own
short links, view link analytics and to enjoy all the benefits that Bitly offers. See for more information about Bitly.
AmALfi previously included a quota of built-in short links that were shared between all users, but in 2024 Bitly changed their pricing structure and it became impossible for us to continue to offer this for free. For this reason we encourage you to purchase an AmALfi Pro upgrade and to sign up for your own free (or paid) Bitly account.
By using your own Bitly account you receive a quota of new short links all of your own from Bitly.
You can use a free or paid Bitly account with AmALfi, just follow these simple instructions:
- If you already have a Bitly account, log in as normal at If you don't have a Bitly account yet you can create one for free at (There is a button to sign up to Bitly in the AmALfi app as well, just head to the "Short Links Generation Account" page from the main menu)
- Once logged in to your Bitly account click 'Settings' in the left hand menu of the Bitly site.
- A 'Settings' menu will appear with 'Developer Settings' at the bottom. Click 'API' below this.
- Under 'Access token' enter your Bitly password again, then click 'Generate token'.
The screen should look something like this (click to enlarge): - Your generic access token will then be displayed below the password box, just above the generate button.
- Copy this token (without the "Access token:" text) - it will look like a long string of letters and numbers
- Return to the AmALfi app and go to the "Short Links Generation Account" page from the main menu.
- Flick the "Use your own Bitly account" switch to the on position.
- Paste your access token into the "Your Bitly Generic Access Token" field.
- Click "Save" and "Done" and you're done!
Any short links you create will now be created in your own Bitly account and you can view and manage them in your own dashboard on the website.
Please note that Bitly regularly update their website and move things around. This may mean that the instructions above no longer lead you to the correct place. If this is the case, then please let us know by email so that we can investigate and update this page asap.